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Web Design Articles

The Importance of Website Design and the User Interface

If you want your website to garner interest and to continue bringing in visitors, you have to think about the overall design. If you have a poorly designed website, either from an aesthetic point of view or from the way the user interface works, you need to change...

What Does a Website Crawler See When It Scans Your Site?

Web crawlers are computer programs that are also referred to as robots, bots or spiders. These crawler programs visit websites and record data about each site they scan. A website, for the most part, is merely a list of webpages ranked in order of importance. Web...

Is Your Website Responsive to Mobile Customers?

Every year, the number of mobile customers using online searches goes up. Starting in 2017 and through today, just over half of all people doing searches online are using mobile devices. Smartphones are a huge portion of searches, so if your website is not set up to...

Do You Know Why Customers Come to Your Website?

Customers can come to your website for many reasons, but do you really know what they are? Most people who come to a website are not there ready to buy something amazing you have for sale. In fact, most people come to a website to learn. They want to find out more...