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Tips for Working From Home

Tips for Working From Home

The coronavirus pandemic has pushed many employees out of the office and into their homes, making remote work a new “normal”. If you have never worked from home before, you might be struggling to find your groove and create routines that lead to a smooth workday....
Why Social Media Matters Now More Than Ever

Why Social Media Matters Now More Than Ever

Companies across the globe are using technology, the internet, and other digital strategies to connect with their audience. However, now that the coronavirus pandemic has created a new reality full of social distancing and closed stores, digital strategies have never...
Using Videos to Connect with Customers

Using Videos to Connect with Customers

More and more people are staying at home across the globe due to the coronavirus pandemic. This means more and more people are turning to their computers, smartphones, and other devices for entertainment, information, and connection. You can meet your current target...
Using Technology to Manage Remote Employees

Using Technology to Manage Remote Employees

Whether you are supporting a team of remote workers due to the coronavirus pandemic or just because your team has always worked remotely, it is important that you have the right tools in place. The team at Search SEO Chicago has worked remotely and apart for years,...