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Social Media Articles

How to Improve Your Social Media Efforts

Social media is an important tool for businesses today if they hope to remain relevant. Just like websites have become essential, the same can now be said of social media. Without it, you are going to fall behind the competition. However, you need to do more than just...

How Social Media Changes Can Affect Your Online Profile

Ever since iOS 7 was released, social media has been growing more and more as a trending topic. While some people may not like sharing everything they do with their friends on Facebook or Twitter, news outlets have felt that this was the way the world is going and...

Use Social Media to Boost Your Ads Campaign

The right social media marketing strategy can bring a lot of engagement to your ad campaign.  Here are some quick tips to help you get started with incorporating social into your next ad campaign. Create Unique Posts for Each Platform It might be tempting when...

How Social Media Can Help Local Businesses Win More Customers

The internet isn't just for rants and complaints anymore. Thanks to social media, consumers are becoming better informed than ever before-and they're using social networks to learn about local businesses. Getting Known in the Social Media World is Essential It's not...