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Why Did Google Penalize My Site?

Why Did Google Penalize My Site?

Google wants to make sure its users can find quality content that is accurate, unique, and that is as close as possible to the search terms they use. To ensure this happens, they are constantly working to improve their algorithms, so they can shine a light on the...
Does SEO Still Matter?

Does SEO Still Matter?

Search engine optimization is a process that’s used to help a website start to rank higher in search engines such as Google. It helps to increase the visibility of your website when you rank higher, which means you are far more likely to get more traffic to your site....
What All Goes Into Creating an SEO Strategy?

What All Goes Into Creating an SEO Strategy?

Creating an SEO strategy or plan is extremely beneficial to your website, as it helps you figure out what you should focus on to improve rankings for certain keywords. However, there are many components that go into creating this plan. Here is a break down the...