Email Marketing

Does Email Marketing Still Matter?

Email marketing has been around for decades at this point. Is it still relevant? Does it deserve a place in your marketing strategy in Chicago?

Today, more than ever before, it’s critical for organizations to make informed decisions when it comes to their marketing spend. Email marketing deserves a prominent position in your toolbox.

Why Email Marketing Is Still Essential

Why should you continue to invest in email marketing as 2023 winds down? Check out a few eye-opening statistics and you’ll start to see why.

  • Almost 40% of brands are increasing their email marketing budgets, not decreasing them.
  • Almost 80% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement in 2023.
  • Email marketing revenue is predicted to hit $11 billion by the end of 2023 and $17.9 billion by 2027.
  • Almost 50% of smartphone users prefer to receive email communications from the brands they support.
  • 50% of people buy from marketing emails at least once per month.

How Should You Harness Email Marketing?

Now that you can see that email marketing is an essential ingredient of success, it’s time to talk about how you should use it.

Diverse Campaigns

Email isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. You can’t send out the same message to every email address you have and expect to see good results. Instead, create diverse campaigns that engage your contacts where they are in the customer journey, whether that’s a welcome message or a product recommendation based on past buying behavior.

Promote Your Other Channels

Make sure you’re using email to connect your audience with your other digital channels. Introduce your social channels, highlight promotions you’re running on specific websites, and announce new blog posts debuting on your website through email so that your customers can stay in the know.

Build Brand Recognition

While all digital marketing can help you build a stronger brand, email marketing is uniquely positioned to do so. Use this opportunity to introduce your brand, reinforce what it stands for, and detail what sets your business apart from its competitors.

It’s Time to Start Emailing

Email marketing is not only alive and well, but also an essential part of your marketing toolkit. It offers unique opportunities to connect with your audience on a deeper level, build brand recognition, and improve success.

However, it’s not something that you can set on autopilot. Each message should be customized to the recipient, and you should respond to questions and replies. When used correctly, email marketing can be an incredibly powerful tool.

Published by
Andrew Sansardo

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