When you consider your online marketing plan, you must remember not all potential customers are the same. Browsers are people who are searching for your business or services – they are not necessarily loyal to one business and they may not know about you at all until they see you pop up in an internet search. Once browsers reach your website or social media feed, they still need to feel comfortable enough to purchase your services or reach out for a consultation.
How do you create an experience that captures the browser and converts to a sale? Engaging content that leverages you as an industry leader, as well as an online personality that helps potential customers get to know you. Here are a few ways you can increase this online engagement.
Create Relevant Content with Strong Calls to Action
Hook browsers on social media channels, as well as on your website, by creating content that offers solutions to common questions you hear every day in your business. Selling plumbing services? Create content about common kitchen plumbing issues. Selling personal training services? Create content to support runners looking toward a half marathon. You will position yourself as the leader in your industry and connect with new customers. (Don’t forget to include a strong call to action in your content!)
Communicate on Social Media
Posting and advertising on social media is a great way to find new customers and continue relationships with loyal customers. However, don’t forget to interact in other ways while on your social media page. Answer the questions posed in the comments section. Like posts from your favorite neighborhood businesses. RSVP to and share events happening in your town. Just like in-person networking, you have to communicate online to get noticed.
Work with Experts
You don’t have to attempt to create content and engage on social media on your own. Let the Search SEO Chicago team help. We have years of experience in digital marketing tactics and are ready to support your efforts online. Give us a call to get started today!
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